Words & Music

by monicadockery

Archive for the category “California”

The skyline all dressed up in heels and the shore wearing a tux…


Helloooooo! Well, today was a long day and I still didn’t manage to get everything done on my “to-do” list :/, but I am here, I am alive, I’m breathing. There is a song in my heart, a smile on my face, and a fire in my belly…..I say, isn’t that what matters? So, we suck it up and move on and do what we can. So shall I do. Wrote a new song and it just might turn into something completely different from what it is now (an acoustic version). Possibly a reggae/dubstep version and as a collaboration with another artist/producer. We’ll see. In the meantime, here is a raw version of it…bare bare bones and all. It is all about my lovely Cali. I’ve been to many other states and lived in another country for a while, and though I love all the places I’ve been to (just about), Cali will always and forever be my first love and heart’s hometown. So, as a tribute, I wanted to write a song that painted a picture of the city coming alive and dancing and getting all the people up and dancing right along with it. That’s just the way I thought best describes living where I live. Hope you enjoy and I’ll be sure to post if the song gets transformed as I mentioned above. Have a wonderful rest of the week! Create, live, breath…its good for you!

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