Words & Music

by monicadockery

Archive for the category “Day4Women Event”

Feature Friday (on Saturday:/): Eelyk Mukcin and……my cover of PM Dawn’s “I’d Die without You”

Hellooooooo!  So, I have been M.I.A. lately.  But not without reason.  I’ve been a very busy bee, trying to put together the Day4Women album and conference.  I’m so excited about seeing all the pieces coming together:)!   However, I also don’t want to forget the music!  I had planned on doing a Feature Friday yesterday, but my schedule did not permit.  Instead, I’m doing it today:).  Today’s featured artist is a French Canadian singer/songwriter/guitarist/rapper by the name of Eelyk Mukcin (aka Kyle Nickum).  He is “on the Cloud” as well (Soundcloud, that is).  He is 24 and has been playing the guitar since he was 14, but has only recently became serious about making music.  He wrote “I believe free music is FREE music” in his description of his music on his Soundcloud page.

When I first was introduced to Eelyk and his music, the thing that stood out the most was his nonchalant, playful approach and delivery.  Yet hidden inside the playfulness, you’ll find hints of disillusion, frustration, social commentary, and even brokenness.  A good example is in his song called “My Dog is Dead (and My Pickup Truck Won’t Start).  On first listen, you think it is a joke.  But, as you listen, you will hear that he’s referring to the feeling like your world is falling apart. Another good example is the song “Galileo”, an upbeat, funky song, but also a commentary on the history of the Church’s handling of ideas that threatened their position of authority.  He says what he wants (however crass, blunt it may be), how he wants, and does so in a way that makes you appreciate his authenticity even if you’re not in agreement with the message.

Of all his music, perhaps my favorites are the rap pieces.  I happen to love the Beastie Boys and Public Enemy and Eelyk falls in between the two, but adds a little indie rock to the mix.  Two of my favorites are “Freedom of Speech” and “Eraserhead”.

Whatcha think?  Visit his Soundcloud page, or his facebook page and check out what Eelyk is up to.  I do not promise an easy listen.  Prepare for raucous, riotous sounds mixed with some obscenity.  Now, you may ask, why does that appeal to me?  Though it may seem as though my mellow, calming music is on the complete opposite spectrum from Eelyk’s music, there is one commonality and that is that they are both real, genuine expressions of who we are as people.  We wear our hearts on our sleeves, take it or leave it.  And when it comes to art, Cesar A. Cruz said it best, “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”  Thanks Eelyk, for making those of us who are “comfortable” wake up a bit:).

On another note:

I haven’t done a new song this week, but I did record a cover (something I don’t do very often).  It is of the early 90’s RnB group, PM Dawn’s, song called “I’d Die Without You”.  I always liked this song, melancholy songs usually do appeal to me for some reason.  But, when I started to do it on the guitar, it kept coming out more as an Blues/Soul version.  So, it is quite different from the original, but it is 100% me.  Here it is, hope you enjoy my rendition and if you don’t, well, I hope you appreciate the fact that it came out of who I am.  Enjoy!

Take care everyone, have a lovely rest of the three-day weekend (for those of you lucky enough to have one!).

Here are some collaboration projects being put out by myself and another Soundcloud Hero, Benjamin Dauer.  Give them a look see!!  See if you might want to get involved:)

Into the Deep…….

Hellooooooo!  I have been very focused on getting the Day4Women album and event organized, but I am still trying to find time for making music!  So, this week, instead of doing a real…polished…recording, I decided to go Lo-fi and record a rough sketch for a song I’ve been working on.  I’ve had it written for a while, but have been trying to figure out arrangement/music.  I wrote this one day when I was sitting at my favorite beach – Crystal Cove – and I was starring at the waves coming over the shore.  I thought, “wow, I wonder what stories the ocean must have hidden inside of it…so much history in there.”  And, this week’s song is the result of that moment at the beach.  Here is  the rough cut of “Into the Deep”, hope you enjoy it!


Here are the lyrics:

What are the secrets buried in your deep?
stories of men great and small, you, a blanket over all
covering the fools of old
who lived and died searching for gold
they lived and died for gold
so crash over the shore
and pull it into your….deep

Even if we dig the treasures you keep
we are too deaf and much too blind to see
the lessons still won’t stay stuck
to our collective memory
so crash over the shore
pull it into your
crash over the shore
and pull it into your..

Into the deep – wash away
into the deep – wash away
into the deep – wash away
into the deep, into the deep

One day when it is time
I will be yours and you will be mine
and I will take my place in your deep
inside the history that in you sleeps
I’ll be the history that in you sleeps

Day4Women & All-Female Soundcloud Collaboration Album

Helloooooo! I am so sorry it is been over a week since my last post!  I have been extremely busy working on a new and exciting project that I’d like to share with you all today.  For a while now, I have been thinking about ways in which I can could combine my love for music and my love for people.  What I came up with, finally, is an event I am organizing called Day4Women to be held on December 8, 2012.  It is going to be an online campaign geared towards women.  The goal of the campaign is to inspire, inform, and involve women in helping to raise awareness of organizations that are already out there helping women in the following ways:

– Teaching job skills to women in war-torn countries

– Providing services/counseling to women who have been abused

– Providing assistance to women caught up in the sex-trafficking trade

– Providing mentoring and building confidence in women

This event is going to be my priority for the next couple of months, so you may be hearing less from me as far as the music goes. BUT…..

That brings me to the other half of this post, the all-female SoundCloud collaboration album that I am also working on at the moment.  The album is going to be with a group of talented, wonderful women on SoundCloud.  The plan is to use the album as another way of spreading the word about the struggles women face and to encourage women who are in tough situations to be strong.  The people who visit the Day4Women site on the launch date December 8, 2012 will be able to download the album to use for themselves or to give to another person if they so choose.  This album is one of the SoundCloud Heroes collaborative projects that I chose to initiate with the SoundCloud community.

So all that said, there are many things on my plate right now.  Exciting things!  And I cannot wait to share more with you as these projects progress.  Please keep checking in as I will continue to post updates here and on the Day4Women temporary blog site as well as on the Day4Women facebook page.

Take care all! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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