Words & Music

by monicadockery

Archive for the month “January, 2012”

Thank YOU! — Cute Blog Award and Versatile Blog Award

I’ve been going over some of the comments on my blog posts and I realized something. I realized that I am very lucky–privileged–to be able to participate in a community of people who all have such wonderful things to share, who are helpful, supportive, constructive, and creative. It is great to be able to read the thoughts of another on the page…someone I may never meet, may never talk to….and catch a glimpse, a snapshot, of who they are. When I catch these beautiful snapshots of each person on here in my mind’s eye, I am reminded that though we are all so infinitely different, we are also all so much alike. There is a thread of humanity that binds us, that allows for connection between two points. Thank you to all the points with whom I have had the honor of being connected to thus far;)

Two name two specific points — Shaharoh at www.lifebetweenliving.com and Maryanne at www.maryannepale.com. Thank you for the 2 blog award nominations for the

Cute Blog Award

and The Versatile Blogger award.

Apparently accepting these nominations means there are certain rules to follow. I decided to include the rules for both here.

Cute Blog Award Rules:

1. Post a picture of the award
2. Thank the person(s) who nominated you on a blog post
3. Nominate as many other blogs as you feel like and notify them
4. Answer the following questions
5. Post something you have never mentioned before on your blog

1. What is your go to make up product?
I do not wear make-up typically, but on rare occasion, I may put on a little lip gloss.

2. What’s your favourite fashion trend of 2011?
I have no idea about the fashion trends of 2011, but I can say that I like usually just like things that are comfortable and that I feel good in.

3. What is your favorite dessert?
It is a toss up between ice cream (vanilla or Blue Bell Banana Pudding) and a hot, fresh-out-the-fryer donut (the best I ever had came from a place in Ocean Springs, MS called TatoNut…HEAVEN!……but, of course, everything in moderation:).

4. Favorite color? Turquoise/Teal …especially in Native American jewelry.

5. What is your middle name?

Trinidad, named after the grandmother on my mother’s side whom I never had the opportunity to meet.

6. What was the last song you listened to?
The one my four-year-old son is singing at the top of his lungs RIGHT NOW as he showers in the bathroom next to where I am typing this…he likes writing songs too:)

7. Cats or Dogs?
DOGS!!!!!…sorry to all the cat lovers out there…they are cute to look at, but just too unpredictable for me.

8. One thing I have never mentioned in my blog
I absolutely looooooove to dance. And I’m not just talking the two-step. I will turn on some music (usually the hip hop/90s R&B/Buena Vista Social Club/or David Guetta-type), and go alllll out. There is something about letting your hair down, feeling the music, doing what feels right in the moment and not caring one bit how much of a fool I might look like. My all time favorite places to dance, though, are in the grocery store or in the car, usually making the people who came with me regret that they did. Oh well.

for the Cute Award, I would like to nominate:



Versatile Blog Award Rules:

They are the same except that instead of nominating as many people as you deem worthy, you nominate 15 worthy bloggers (be sure to notify them) and instead of answering specific questions, post 7 random facts about yourself.

My 7 random facts

1. I taught 7th and 8th graders for three years before taking time off to be with my son.

2. I love to run….running helps me clear my mind and renew.

3. My favorite comfort food is chilaquiles… if you don’t know about it, you need to.

4. I tried to write a book once and….I failed miserably. But, I’d like to give it another shot.

5. My favorite singer of time passed is Ella Fitzgerald….hands down.

6. I like a lot of imported music (mostly from the UK)….Adele, Coldplay, Imogenheap, Florence+the Machine, Paloma Faith, Ellie Goulding, Sia, M.I.A., Lily Allen, Ceu, etc., etc….

7. I lived in Hong Kong for a brief period and would love to live in other parts around the world for a while…hopefully in the near future.

Here are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award:












A Star Falls

Another star in my night’s sky has fallen…and although it is sad for me to know that she is no longer there, I am glad that I knew her light at all.  Rest in sweet peace.



I wrote this song this past Monday when the rain was coming down outside.  The cool, moist air tiptoed through my open window, brushed against my cheek, and gave me a gentle kiss good morning.  It was one of those days when you just want to stay in bed all bundled up –eyes closed, mind clear –and just listen to the calm, the stillness brought on by the rain.  A beautiful morning.  On days like that, inevitably, songs begin to creep up from my toes, along my body, and peaceably make their way into the corners of my mind and…I write.  As I was laying there in my bed, I remembered an image of a man who had made his home underneath an overpass.  It stuck with me and this is where, I presume, this song came from.  It is called….Pigeon

Heal Me

As promised, here is part two of the back-to-back song posting for this week. No comments from me on this one. Enjoy your weekend!

Heal Me


Up to You

Today’s song post comes to you sans any music tracks.  I thought it was best to do this one a cappella because  it is such an emotional song already…..a very raw emotion that, I think, requires a raw presentation.  It highlights the complexities involved in the relationship between parent and child.

We expect the ones who raise us to be superman, to be our heroes, to be perfect.  When we find out that they are only human, it is disappointing.  We blame them for their faults as well as ours and wonder how our perspectives on life came to be so incredibly different.  But…someone very close to me once said, “One day that person is no longer going to be here and none of that will matter.”  That was a huge moment for me.  No matter what, I would miss both my parents so much if they weren’t here and I wouldn’t remember all the arguments. Instead, I would remember all the nuances — those special moments when they were “Mommy” and “Daddy”.  In the end, they do what they can and same goes for all of us.  We do what we can, the best we know how.  We are not perfect, we are people and if you love someone, you love them for all of who they are — the good, the bad, the everything.

The song is Up to You


I am proud to say that Words & Music was part of the protest against SOPA/PIPA today.  I cannot stress enough the importance of taking whatever action we can to get the message to our leaders that censorship of the internet is one of the most egregious infringements on our rights as citizens of the United States of America.  If we cannot keep the internet 100% free of such chains, our freedom to know — our access to knowledge — will be placed at great risk.

Although the blackout is over on this blog for now, the “Stop Censorship” ribbon at the top of the page will remain.  Please, if you have not already, read up on the information available to you by clicking on that ribbon.  There are ways everyone can participate in stopping such legislation from getting through.
As for the songs….I will be doing a back-to-back posting, one on Thursday and one on Friday.  I have to admit, I am a little scared that the songs that I have been writing are becoming more and more personal….too close maybe.  It leaves me in quite a vulnerable position to share such layers of me, but I cannot let fear be the reason I refrain from doing so.  So, a major part of me doing this–writing, sharing these songs–is a sort of challenge to myself….to be brave enough to say, “this is me” and be willing to face the consequences (good or bad) of being that open.

I know this photo is a little tasteless…but, so are the people who are filling the pockets of politicians to get such legislation passed….plus, it made me laugh.

Moses Melkonian

As mentioned on my New Year’s post, I will be featuring the music of other musicians that I like on here from time to time and tonight is one of those times. I recently came across an unsigned artist from the UK named Moses Melkonian. I had never heard his music before, but when I watched his video for the song “We are Mighty, We are Young,” I was immediately drawn in. There is a simplicity in the message, yet the pulse — the vibe — of the music adds such depth and movement. I also like that he uses the spoken word for his lyrics because it, along with the unique, gruff quality of his voice lends a nice contrast to the bright notes in the melody.

From the information I gathered on his website, he is an independent artist working hard to get his music out to the masses, so if you like his music be sure to pass it on. Good luck to you Moses! Check it out for yourself. You can see him on facebook and here at his website: http://mosesjunkyard.wordpress.com/. If you look him up, let me know what you think.

I tried to embed the video of “We are Mighty, We are Young”, but had trouble, but you can view it via this link–


Happy Friday all!


Well….I’m so glad to be home from vacation and over the cold!!  Good to be back in Cali…although I love visiting the South, there is nothing like home.  While I was there, though, I was able to work on a new song and it is one of my favorites right now because it’s more upbeat and playful than most of my songs.  Another reason I’m liking it so much is because it is the first song I’ve done without any pre-made tracks.  I made all the tracks from scratch by playing the digital version of each instrument (since I don’t have the actual instruments…one day).  Lots of fun messing with those:)!

As for the content…it is about two misfits who may not fit nice and neatly into the conventional mold, but they make a good fit for each other.  Sometimes, when it seems like the world doesn’t get you, it’s good to know you’ve  got that one person who does.  The song is …Circle Square.

New Year

It’s a New Year! The year went by so quickly…it always does. I have some personal goals for this new year, but I thought I’d share my goals I have for this blog for the new year instead.

This is not an exhaustive list and will likely evolve as the year goes on, but here is the beginning:

1. I plan on adding a few video blogs, with live home performances of new and old songs and, on occasion, some discussions about music and other topics.

2. Although I am constantly writing songs, posting two new, original songs every week is sometimes too much. So, I’ll be cutting back a bit and will be replacing the vacancies with music from known and not-so-known musicians/performers that I love.

3. I would like to re-design the look of the blog and add a few new widgets.

4. Charities are dear to my heart…ones that are really doing something, at least. I’d like to use some blog posts to expose readers to charities and local organizations and how people can get involved with what they’re doing.

That’s it…not many changes, but the ones I do make, I hope, will add to the entertainment and informative value of this blog.

For my 5 followers…:)… Thanks for checking in every now and then. May this year be better than the last for everyone!

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